Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Myopia: The Pandemic’s Long-Term Effects! Contact Ojas Eye Hospital

Ojas eye hospital is the best eye hospital in Kandivali

New research reveals another worrying side effect linked to the pandemic: worsening eyesight among children. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is the inability to view distant objects clearly. The majority of young adults and children are affected by it. There was a drastic increase in the number of myopic children during and after the pandemic.

The occurrence of myopia was already common, and after the lockdown, however, we have noticed that many kids are presenting with serious refractive errors, ranging from -2D to -8D and beyond! This is quite shocking and has been noted mainly since online schooling began.

Why did this occur?

  • The main culprit appears to be an increase in screen time due to online classes.
  • Considerable contributions come from screen time during leisure, including social media, OTT platforms, and online games.
  • Constantly looking at a screen puts the eyes under accommodative stress, which causes the eyeball to elongate and cause myopia.
  • Not wearing glasses causes increased eye strain and promotes myopia.
  • Even once the lockdown was lifted, certain harmful digital habits and internet addictions persisted.
  • Lack of outdoor activities and exposure to sunlight also affects the normal development of the eyeball.

How can we prevent myopia following the pandemic?

  • Practice excellent eye hygiene by limiting screen time, taking frequent breaks between classes or sessions, reading at a comfortable distance (33 to 40 cm), using good lighting, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and engaging in regular outdoor activities.
  • It appears that young children who use technology excessively suffer as they are growing, with the 5–15 age range being particularly susceptible to a rise in eyeball length. Therefore, one must limit a child’s exposure to the internet.
  • Please also undergo routine eye exams, especially if your child squints, leans in close to books or the TV, or if someone in the family wears glasses.
  • Experts recommend the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It will allow the eyes to rest for a while.

Digital devices are here to stay, but it is up to us to use them wisely, manage their use, and alleviate our children’s fear of myopia.

Tag = Eye Hospital in Mumbai, Eye surgeon in Mumbai

For More Information https://www.ojaseyehospital.com

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

What Type Of Cataract Lenses Are Best For You?

 What Is Cataract?

A cataract is an age-related problem that involves the lens of the eye. In this condition the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and the patient feels that they are looking from a cloudy and blurry piece of glass. The cloudy vision caused by cataract causes difficulty in reading and driving especially at night or dark light.

In most cases, cataract develops slowly and do not cause any symptoms. The disease is progressive and with time it worsens and causes blurry and cloudy vision. Initially, the cloudy vision can be countered with the use of glasses and contact lenses. However, these are not permanent treatments for this condition. As the condition progresses, these methods fail to deliver the visual acuity and the patient is left only with the option of cataract surgery.

How Is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract surgery is done to replace the cloudy cataract lens with an artificial lens. A widely used advanced surgery to treat the cataract is known as phacoemulsification.

  • At the start of surgery, the surgeon injects anesthetic solution around eyes or administer numbing eye drops in the eye.
  • After this process, the surgeon makes an incision on cornea. The size of the incision is between 1.8mm to 2.75mm.
  • The surgeon then inserts a small ultrasonic device in the eye to destroy cloudy cataract lens in small pieces.
  • The tool which is inserted in the eye causes vibration to chop the lens and fragments of the lens completely mixes in the lens material.
  • The lens material istaken out of the eye through the probe tip
  • After removing the lens material, the surgeon will insert a hollow tube to implant the intraocular lens into the lens’ natural capsule
  • Once the lens is placed in the eyes, it unfolds and takes an actual position in the eyes.
  • In most cases, the incision does not require any type of stitching
  • This surgery is commonly performed as an outpatient because this surgery gets completed in about 30 minutes and patients do not require staying in a hospital.

To minimize side effects and obtain the desired level of vision after cataract surgery, the patient should opt for the best doctor performing cataract surgery in India.

What Are The Various Types Of Lenses Used To Treat Cataracts?

  • Monofocal lens: It is the most common type of cataract lens. The main advantage of this lens is that it is available in different focusing distance such as far distance, near distance and intermediate distance. The patient can choose the lens with the right distance to increase comfort. Light cannot be focused simultaneously from both and near objects on the cornea with this type of lens. When light enters inside the eye, going through monofocal lens present in its path, it forms a single focal point on the retina.
  • Toric intraocular lens: The toric intraocular lens is decent for the treatment of cataract and also improves astigmatism in patients. Toric intraocular lens increases the rotational stability of eye
  • Multifocal intraocular lens: Multifocal lens is suitable for those patients who want to achieve a correct vision at all distance. The multifocal intraocular lens is generally used in patients suffering from presbyopia. Implantation of this lens decreases the need for wearing glasses during reading and while working on a computer.
  • Aspheric intraocular lens: This type of lens is used to improve image quality. The aspheric lens improves the minor optical imperfection which may be occurred due to higher-order abrasion. In this condition, the quality of vision is continuously reduced especially in dim light. This lens is useful for those people who drive at night.
  • Accommodating intraocular lens: Accommodating intraocular lens does work like a mono-focal lens. To overcome the impact on accommodation after cataract surgery, accommodating intraocular lens generally used.

What Are The Precautions After Cataract Surgery?

  • Post-operative eye drops: Post-operative eye drops may consist of antibiotics, NSAIDs, and steroidal drugs. The post-operative eye drops protect the eye from any type of infection and reduce inflammation. The risk of infection is significantly increased after cataract surgery. Thus, the patient should strictly adhere to the prescription.
  • Eyeshield: Use eye shields during sleeping to protect your eyes. You can use dark glasses at day time. Wash your eye shield and eyeglasses every day and dry them after every wash. 
  • Washing the face: Wash your eyes according to the instruction given by your surgeon. Skip splashing water in eyes during the healing process.
  • Physical activities: Avoid physical activities for 4-6 weeks after surgery. Physical activities to be avoided are walking, watching TV for a prolonged period, too much talking, jogging, swimming, playing sports, cooking and gardening.
  • Makeup: Do not apply eye makeup such as eyeliner, mascara, etc. at least four weeks after cataract surgery.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How Do I Decide Whether To Have A Cataract Surgery?

How Do I Choose Whether I Should Get a Cataract Surgery?

  • Tell your Doctor how your cataract affects your vision & your life. You and your Doctor can decide accordingly.
  • I do not see well enough to do my best at work
  • I do not see well enough to do things I need to do at home.
  • I do not see well enough to do things I like to do. (E.g. T.V. sw, play cards, go out with friends.)
  • I am afraid I will bump into something or fall.
  • I am not as independent as I was earlier.
  • My glasses do not help me see clearly.
  • Driving is a problem at night and there is too much glare from headlights.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Strabismus (Squint Eye) vs Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): How Are They Different From Each Other?

Ojaseyehospital is the best eye hospital in Kandivali, Mumbai

People typically misunderstand the terms strabismus and amblyopia and frequently use them interchangeably, so let us talk about both today. And everything you need to know about each of these disorders, from their causes to treatments, is provided below.

What is a squint eye?

Squint eye and cross-eye both refer to the same ailment, also known as strabismus. Due to this problem, the eyes do not look in the same direction at the same time. The direction of one or both eyes can be inward, outward, upward, or downward. The brain finds it challenging to bring together images from each eye to generate a single image. This problem can be either continuous or intermittent.

What is a lazy eye?

A lazy eye occurs when one of your eyes has not developed its vision adequately. The word used by doctors to characterize this problem is amblyopia. If you don’t receive treatment, your brain will eventually learn to disregard the image coming from your weaker eye. As a result, with time, vision problems could develop.

What are the causes of squint eye?

Hereditary, traumatic factors, amblyopia, etc. may be responsible for squint eye. 

What are the causes of lazy eye?

The causes differ depending on the condition that a person has. Uncorrected refractive errors in the eye cause refractive amblyopia. Amblyopia can be brought on by cataracts. A misaligned eye’s input is ignored by the brain, which can result in amblyopia.

What are the symptoms of squint eye?

Whether it is persistent or intermittent depends on the type of strabismus. However, a few of the most widespread signs are as follows:

- Uncoordinated eye movements

- Tilting or twisting of the head to try to focus on something

What are the symptoms of lazy eye?

Amblyopia cannot be identified by mere observation because it has no outward signs. However, a few widespread symptoms and indicators include:

- A poor sense of depth

- Head tilting and eyes that seem to be out of alignment

- An eye that strays from blinking or closing abnormally

What is the treatment for squint eye?

There are numerous strabismus treatment possibilities. Your eye doctor will suggest the most appropriate course of action based on the underlying cause of the disease.

- Prescription glasses for vision treatment

- Eye exercises both in-house and at home

- Eye muscle surgery

What is the treatment for lazy eye?

The severity of the condition and the cause of the lazy eye affect the available treatments. Either is possible.

- Corrective eyewear

- Eye patches

Why choose Ojas – Eye Hospital?

No matter what kind of health issue we discuss, it is apparent that each one requires immediate treatment before it becomes fatal. The same is true for lazy eyes and squinting, so contact a reputable eye hospital right away to obtain the proper care. We have skilled ophthalmologists on staff to give you a satisfying experience. We take care to ensure that you receive the greatest care and are at ease. Ojas – Eye Hospital in Mumbai, is where you can discover the greatest ophthalmologists. It is among the top eye care facilities in India. To schedule an appointment, call us at +91-9930084855 or go to our website.

Tag = Best Eye Hospital in Mumbai, Eye Hospital in Mumbai, Eye Specialist in Mumbai, Eye Hospital in Kandivali

Monday, March 13, 2023

How Long Should I Wait To Exercise After Cataract Surgery?

Following cataract surgery, you can return home right away, which is usual and safe. However, you will need to wait before returning to your regular workout routine, as with most surgeries.

Within the first week, you can engage in some light exercise, but you should hold off on more demanding activities for a few weeks. This will guarantee that your eye heals properly. Continue reading to discover more about safe exercises after cataract surgery.

How long after cataract surgery should you avoid exercising?

The best guidance regarding when you can exercise after cataract surgery comes from your eye specialist. Be sure to stand by their recommendations since they may have knowledge of your specific situation.

The following timeline provides a basic guideline for when you can resume certain types of physical activity:

Week 1 following surgery

You can engage in low-impact physical activities the week following surgery, such as:

- Walking outside

- Light stretching

- Mild treadmill exercise

- Simple household work

Avoid bending over or lifting anything that weighs more than 10 to 15 pounds, including groceries and laundry. Your eyes may become more stressed as a result, which might prevent appropriate recovery.

Week 2 following surgery

Your doctor might give you the go-ahead for moderate-intensity exercises after two weeks, including:

- Yoga

- Jogging

- Brisk walking

- Slow dancing

- 4 to 6 weeks following surgery

You should be able to start doing more strenuous physical activities again. These may consist of:

- Lifting weights

- Running

- Swimming

- Hard cycling

Once more, consult your ophthalmologist before starting this intensity of exercise.

Do not forget to ask any further questions you may have regarding cataract surgery! Our eye specialists at Ojas – Eye Hospital in Mumbai are available to assist you through this operation so you may once again see clearly and precisely!

Tag = Eye Hospital in MumbaiCataract Surgery in MumbaiCataract treatment in MumbaiCataract specialist in MumbaiCataract surgeon in MumbaiBest Cataract hospital In Mumbai

For More Information = www.ojaseyehospital.com & www.cataractindia.in

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Is your eyesight getting worse? - Ojaseyehospital

If you feel your eyesight is getting worse either suddenly or gradually, the best thing would be to visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). To understand why your eyesight may be deteriorating, we take a closer look at a few reasons:

Younger  age groups : (upto 40 years ) :

  • Refractive errors: This is the most common cause of defective vision in this age group. It can either be for distant objects (Myopia) or for near (Hypermetropia). This can very easily be corrected by either glasses or contact lenses. Surgical procedures like LASIK, Contoura, and Phakic Intraocular lenses are other options that can free you from spectacle dependency.
  • Keratoconus: This is a condition in which the front portion of the eye (i.e cornea) bulges forward resulting in blurring of vision, double vision, frequent changes of glass power, and poor quality of vision even after wearing spectacles. Various modalities are available for treatment including collagen cross-linking with riboflavin (C3R), INTACS, and customized contact lenses.
  • Spasm of accommodation: It is seen in individuals involved in prolonged near work could be reading, computer use, etc.  In this condition following prolonged near work, the distance vision appears blurred. Pt also complains of tired eyes, frequent headaches, and eye strain while working. The best treatment is to take a break from work for a day or two to let your eye muscles, the much-needed break.
  • Computer vision syndrome: Eye strain, headache, neck pain, watering, blurring of vision, dry eyes experienced due to prolonged hours spent using visual devices like computers, phones, tablets, television, etc is known as computer vision syndrome. Taking frequent breaks, good work posture, blinking eyes consciously, and maintaining adequate lighting will help reduce the symptoms.
  • Central Serous Retinopathy (CSR): CSR is a build-up of fluid under the retina resulting in diminished or distorted vision. Usually affects one eye at a time, but rarely can affect both eyes. It is most commonly seen in males in the age group of 30 – 50 years. Stress is a very important risk factor. Usually, it resolves in one to two months without any treatment with good recovery of the vision.

Middle age group (45 to 60 years ) :

  • Presbyopia : As you age, especially in the 40 to 50 age bracket, your eyesight may decline for close-up tasks, such as reading and looking at the fine print of smartphone screens. This happens because your crystalline lens becomes less flexible, making it hard to focus on close-up images. This condition is called presbyopia and will affect all of us at some stage in our lives. This is very easily corrected with glasses.
  • Glaucoma : It is a group of conditions in which the nerve connecting the eye and the brain (optic nerve ) gets damaged . Most common cause is rise in intra-ocular pressure (eye pressure). The more common type of glaucoma (open angle )often has no symptoms other than very slow vision loss. Hence it is very important to get your eyes checked routinely especially if you have any family members who suffer from glaucoma. Main treatment consists of antiglaucoma eyedrops. Surgery is considered when there is no improvement with medication.  The other type of glaucoma (angle closure) is a medical emergency and is characterised by very painful, watery eyes, photophobia and blurring of vision. Immediate medical help should be sought.
  • Cataract :  Many people especially in their late 50s or early 60s start to develop cataract.  Symptoms include changing glass power, blurring vision, difficulty in night driving , glare etc. A visit to your ophthalmologist will help clarify whether you have this problem or not. Treatment consists of surgical removal of the cataractous lens followed by implantation of artificial lens inside the eye.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy : It is caused due to damage to the blood vessels of the retina due to poorly controlled blood sugar. A yearly check- up of retina by an ophthalmologist is a must to detect this problem. Depending on the condition, treatment consists of laser to the retina and injections given into the eye. In very advanced cases surgical intervention may be necessary.

Older age group (Above 60 years) :

  • Cataract : It is the most common cause for reducing vision in this age group.Symptoms include changing glass power, blurring vision, difficulty in night driving, glare etc. A visit to your ophthalmologist will help clarify whether you have this problem or not.Treatment consists of surgical removal of the cataractous lens followed by implantation of artificial lens inside the eye.
  • Glaucoma : It is a group of conditions in which the nerve connecting the eye and the brain (optic nerve ) gets damaged . Most common cause is rise in intra-ocular pressure (eye pressure). The more common type of glaucoma (open angle)often has no symptoms other than very slow vision loss. Hence it is very important to get your eyes checked routinely especially if you have any family members who suffer from glaucoma. The main treatment consists of antiglaucoma eye drops. Surgery is considered when there is no improvement with medication  The other type of glaucoma (angle closure) is a medical emergency and is characterized by very painful, watery eyes, photophobia, and blurring of vision. Immediate medical help should be sought.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy: It is caused due to damage to the blood vessels of the retina due to poorly controlled blood sugar. A yearly check-up of the retina by an ophthalmologist is a must to detect this problem at the earliest and to provide necessary treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. . Depending on the condition, treatment consists of laser to the retina and injections given into the eye. In very advanced cases surgical management may be necessary.
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD): It is degeneration of the retina which affects the central vision. It could either be dry ARMD where the central retina (macula) deteriorates or wet ARMD where leaky blood vessels grow under the retina. A special combination of vitamins and minerals may reduce disease progression in dry ARMD. Whereas LASER and eye injections are used to treat wet ARMD.

For More Information https://www.ojaseyehospital.com

Friday, November 11, 2022

Cataract Myths And Facts, You Should Know Before Undergoing Cataract Surgery In Mumbai

 Cataract surgery is a common surgery for restoring clear vision. Various myths are associated with cataract and cataract surgery. You should bust those myths before undergoing cataract surgery in India.

Various Myths And Facts Related To Cataract

Myth 1: Only older people get cataract

Myth Buster: Although the condition of cataract is common in people over the age of 40, the condition can occur at any age. Various factors increase the risk of developing a cataract. These include eye injuries, eye disease, diabetes, ocular inflammation, long term steroid use, prolonged exposure to UV radiations, Severe long-term nearsightedness, and certain hereditary conditions.

Myth 2: Diet, supplementation or exercise completely prevents cataract

Myth Buster: Diet, vitamin supplementation or exercise cannot completely prevent or cure cataract. The only sure method to treat a cataract is cataract surgery. It is also to be noted that many cases of cataract does not progress and thus do not require treatment. Taking vitamin E or C for preventing or treating cataract is not backed up by enough scientific evidence.

Myth 3: Close and focus-requiring task such as seeing makes cataract worse

Myth Buster: Many people think that close activities such as reading or sewing make the cataract worse and progress the disease faster. However, the progression of cataract does not depend on the use of eyes. It may be possible that while doing such activities, the symptoms are more noticeable. The person may also require increased light to perform the same activities.

Myth 4: Cataract is reversible

Myth Buster: Cataract is a non-reversible condition. The protein of the lens gets degenerated and can never come in their original structure. In some cases, the progression of the disease is stopped presenting a feeling of reversal of the condition. The progression of the disease can also be slowed by avoiding smoking and eating a healthy diet.

Myth 5: If your eyes do not hurt, you do not have cataract

Myth Buster: Pain in eyes is not a usual symptom of cataract. This is because, during the disease, there is no inflammation inside the eyes. The condition is characterized by cloudiness in the lens. The symptoms experienced by the patient include blurred vision, discoloration, glare, double vision and frequent changing in glass prescription.

Myth 6: Laser is used to remove a cataract

Myth Buster: Cataracts per se cannot be removed by Laser surgery. The only effective method for treating cataracts is replacing the old, naturally damaged lens with a new artificial lens. In some cases, the membrane near the lens gets cloudy after cataract surgery. The laser can be used to open the cloudy membrane.

Myth 7: Cataract surgery is dangerous

Myth Buster: Although cataract is a delicate surgery involving a vital organ, it is one of the safest surgeries with more than a 95% success rate. Only 5% of patients undergoing surgeries have surgery-related complications.

Myth 8: Recovery time is long after cataract surgery

Myth Buster: Cataract surgery is one of the most rapid and least-time consuming surgery. The surgery takes place between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The time of recovery is too short and the patient recovers within 30 minutes to one hour. However, aftercare is important to avoid any complications.

Myth 9: Taking Aspirin prevents cataracts

Myth Buster: There is a misconception that taking aspirin for a long period may prevent cataracts. There is not enough scientific data to authenticate this fact. Prolonged aspirin may cause side effects and you should avoid taking the aspirin unless it is prescribed by your doctor for any other disease.

Myth 10: Cataract grows back

Myth Buster: Once the damaged lens is replaced by the new synthetic lens, there is no source of the cataract to come back. Although the capsule behind the lens becomes cloudy after surgery, this can be treated with laser surgery.

Myth 11: Spectacles are never required after cataract surgery

Myth Buster: Removal of spectacles after cataract surgery, in many cases, is not possible due to a variety of reasons. The patient who has opted for monofocal lens has good distance vision but the patient has to use spectacles for close-distance activities such as reading. A multifocal lens is also available but is not suitable for all patients.

Myth 12: Cataract surgery should be done after-ripening of the cataract

Myth Buster: Cataract surgery should have been opted at the initial stage when the symptoms are mild. This will help to improve the quality of life because of a clear vision.

Myth 13: Replacement lens may not be suitable for the patient

Myth Buster: Various lenses are available according to the need and ocular condition of the patient. Your doctor will decide which lens is most suitable for you.

For more information = https://www.ojaseyehospital.com/ 0r https://www.cataractindia.in/

Tag =  Cataract Surgery in MumbaiCataract surgery cost in MumbaiCataract specialist in Mumbai, eye hospital in Mumbai, Eye specialist in MumbaiEye Care Hospital in Kandivali